My current viewing of this series was started by a piece I had read on Gettysburg. I wanted to see the episode of The Civil War that covered this historic battle, but I found it impossible not to start at the beginning.

Author and historian David McCullough as narrator played the part of the play-by-play man, giving a detailed account of the events and the people we were seeing and learning about. Foote filled the position of the color commentator, sharing with the viewer the insights and stories that made these “ancient” names and events current and ever so human.
Each of these men has a distinct voice, a sound and a style that very quickly becomes familiar to the listener. After one episode you are so in tuned with their inflections that a change in tone sends your heart beating faster as you wait for the next story that will change your view on this pivotal moment in our nation’s history.
Normally I would use this topic to discuss the historic importance of this event or that. Today I just want to give you a different view of a fabulous resource. It harkens back to the dawn of civilization when our histories were passed down to the next generation orally. One can only imagine the storyteller possessing both a strong memory and a commanding voice. Burns's use of still photography took the place of cave paintings. The only real movement and life they had was with the accompanying words.
Last fall I sat in a lecture hall to hear David McCullough talk about Franco-American relations. I sat with my eyes closed. The voice of this story teller supplied the rest.
Watch the series again. Listen to the series again. Pay attention to this “historical tag-team” as they breakdown the battles, politics and humanity of the re-creation of the United Sates. And if you happen to run into Ken Burns, tell him Mr. Moose says, "Thanks again."