If this entry has unique spelling or bizarre punctuation the reason will soon become clear to you.
As I have mentioned in at least one other blog, before Mr. Moose’s Story Book hits the web it is “cleansed’’. The proof reader is a good friend and fellow blogger. Whether because of blogs, family issues, celebrity deaths or just a quick story- we communicate several times every day. Between phone calls, IMs, texts and emails, we are always in contact.
A couple of months ago his blog contained a story so amazing, so astonishing, so incredible, that I was amazed, astonished, and incredulous that I had never heard a word about the topic.
The events, for which I have provided you the link, took place over an extended length of time. Yet, again, I knew nothing.
Upon reading his blog, I instantly called and asked quite peevishly why I knew nothing of this story. If you have linked over already, I think you will agree that this story would not just “slip your mind.”
The relationship had changed. I was now going to forever be like the new bride who marries the non- communicative husband: only ever able to find out things through the eyedropper method of communication.
My editor and friend, a resident of my old homestead suburban Washington D.C., often takes his family to
Ocean City, Maryland. They tan and or burn depending on skin pigments. So when he said they were going away for a long weekend, pictures of fun in the sun popped into my mind.

Over the weekend, a mutual friend called with another story, and mentioned that he had just gotten off the phone, having told it to my editor.
“Oh, are they still in Ocean City?’
“Ocean City? They are in the
Finger Lakes.”
“Upstate New York.”
“I know where the Finger Lakes are.”

We hung up, and I dialed my editor. I was now a cross between the new bride and a petulant child.
“What are you doing in the Finger Lakes? I thought you were going to Ocean City?”
“We are here with friends.”
“You mean your
real friends right?!”
In my own teenaged girl- like defense, it was not only that they passed us by in North Jersey to get there, it just seems that as with that blog entry, this should have come up when speaking to someone everyday.
So I asked. Now very much like a teenaged girl:
“Why didn’t you tell me you were going to the Finger Lakes?”
And then came the response that neither the girl, the bride, nor I ever wanted to hear, because some how we are at fault:
“You didn’t ask.”
To be honest I would have preferred "
because it's none of your business", but I got...
"You didn't ask."
The problem is- my life is an open book, or, specifically an open Story Book. I just assume everyone wants to share every detail of their life all the time.
So to my friend and editor: I accept the blame and will try to work into our daily transmissions questions regarding Bull Frogs and the Finger Lakes.
I have been remiss, please forgive me. I’m a terrible friend. I will try to change.
But if I can’t- is there anyone interested in editing a blog site? Leave a comment below.
Other than a mastery of English grammar, the only requirement is a willingness to share stories of your life and occasionally have them posted over the internet.